Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

The Earth is But One Country and Mankind its Citizens — Bahá’u’lláh

Cluster Reflection Gathering & lunch

12 noon, Sunday Aug. 25, Indianapolis Baha'i Center


3740 W. 62nd St.
Indianapolis, IN

Dear Friends,

The Area Teaching Committee warmly invites you to join us for a most joyous occasion: our Cluster Reflection Gathering, this Sunday, August 25th, beginning with lunch at 12:00 PM at the Indianapolis Bahá'í Center.

We are also honored to welcome two special guests: former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Gustavo Correa and his wife, former National Spiritual Assembly of Colombia member, Dr. Haleh Arbab. They will be visiting Indianapolis and plan to join us for this gathering!

We look forward to seeing your radiant faces this Sunday for this special celebration of learning and fellowship!

With love and appreciation,

The Area Teaching Committee

Event date: 
Sun, 08/25/2024 - 12:00pm